If you’ve been using Google Chrome for a while, you may feel that the browser is slow. You may run into the Chrome slow issue if you’ve opened too many tabs on your Chrome. Since in Chrome, each tab opens its own process on your PC. These tabs will consume lots of resources, which will trigger the Chrome slow issue. Hopefully, this 3 chrome flags will fix slow loading issues on the Google Chrome browser.
Parallel Download
If you are looking to increase your download speed on Google announces Google T.V, helps you easily browse and discover what to watch
The smooth scroll is a function that allows us to navigate between the content of web pages in a more agile way without suffering the known “stumbles” that occur when sliding the wheel of the mouse up or down. Smooth-Scrolling will make webpage smooth and disable stumbles
Chrome usually makes use of the processor and RAM to maintain smooth operation. With GPU-rasterization I have been able to achieve Good Chrome speeds
- Brotli Content-Encoding
- Developer Tools experiment
- Experimental JavaScript
- Experimental QUIC protocol
- Fast tab/window close
- Future V8 VM features
- Hyperlink auditing
- New Media Controls
- No-State Prefetch
- Offline Auto-Reload Mode
- Only Auto-Reload Visible Tabs
- Optimize background video playback
- Override software rendering list
- Simple Cache for HTTP
- Tab audio muting UI control
- Touch Events API
- Touch adjustment
- Use all upcoming UI features
More chrome flag tutorial
- Everything you should know about Google Chrome Flags
- 7 best chrome flags to increase your productivity