The Wall Street Journal had reported earlier this month that a senior Facebook India policy executive, Ankhi Das, had deliberately ignored incendiary posts by BJP politicians despite the posts being flagged internally. A Delhi panel is planning to summon Facebook executives amid allegations that the social media platform did not act against hate speech on its platform by politicians of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).
According to NDTV, the Chadha-led panel will summon Facebook executives soon. The panel on peace and harmony had taken the statements of journalists Paranjoy Guha Thakurta, Nikhil Pahwa, Regina Mihindukulasuriya. Separately, the Parliamentary IT panel, headed by Congress MP Shashi Tharoor, will hear Facebook representatives on September 2.
Facebook has meanwhile claimed that it is an “open, transparent and non-partisan platform,” detailing its policies against hate speech.