Ankhi Das, a senior Facebook executive in India, is leaving the social media company on Tuesday, two months after media reports claimed she allegedly interfered in the company’s content moderation policy and showed favoritism to Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).
- Facebook is accused of promoting hate speech posts in India
According to the reports, Das opposed applying hate speech rules to posts by BJP leader T Raja Singh and three other BJP leaders and groups flagged internally for promoting violence.
- Facebook bans T. Raja Singh profile for violating hate speech in India
The timeline stories
- Facebook is accused of promoting hate speech posts in India
- Facebook executives to appear before Delhi court over hate speech row
- Facebook bans T. Raja Singh profile for violating hate speech in India
- Political parties slamming Facebook for showing favoritism in India
“Ankhi has decided to step down from her role in Facebook to pursue her interest in public service,” said Ajit Mohan, VP & Managing Director, Facebook India. “She has been a part of my leadership team over the last 2 years, a role in which she has made enormous contributions. We are grateful for her service and wish her the very best for the future.