50+ Useful Google Chrome Shortcuts Everyone Should Know in 2022

Here is the list of all Essential Google Chrome shortcuts available in your Chrome Browser. Save your precious time by using them.
Image showing Google Chrome
Image by Vinron | Image showing the logo of Google Chrome

Google Chrome Shortcuts save us a lot of time When we are surfing the Internet. Here is a list of all the essential shortcuts available in Google Chrome. For your convenience, we have sorted and divided them into the tables below.

Google Chrome Shortcuts

Chrome “Tab” and “Window” Shortcuts:

Shortcut KeyDescription
Ctrl + nOpen a new window
Ctrl + Shift + nOpen a new window in Incognito mode
Ctrl + tOpen a new tab, and jump to it
Ctrl + Shift + tReopen previously closed tabs
Alt + HomeOpen your home page in the current tab
Ctrl + (1 to 8)Jump to a specific tab
Ctrl + 9Jump to the rightmost tab
Ctrl + PgDnJump to the next open tab
Ctrl + PgUpJump to the previous open tab
Ctrl + wClose the current tab
Ctrl + Shift + wClose the current window
Alt + Space then nMinimize the current window
Alt + Space then xMaximize the current window
Alt + f then xQuit Google Chrome
Ctrl + (Right or Left arrow)Move tabs right or left with keyboard focus

Chrome Features Shortcuts:

Shortcut KeyDescription
Alt + fOpen the Chrome menu
Ctrl + Shift + bShow or hide the Bookmarks bar
Ctrl + Shift + oOpen the Bookmarks Manager
Ctrl + hOpen the History page in a new tab
Ctrl + jOpen the Downloads page in a new tab
Shift + EscOpen the Chrome Task Manager
Ctrl + fOpen the Find Bar to search the current page
Ctrl + gJump to the next match to your Find Bar search
Ctrl + Shift + gJump to the previous match to your Find Bar search
Ctrl + Shift + iOpen Developer Tools
Ctrl + Shift + DeleteOpen the Clear Browsing Data options
Ctrl + Shift + mLog in as a different user or browse as a Guest

Address Bar Shortcuts:

Shortcut KeyDescription
Type a search engine name and press TabSearch using a different search engine
Type a site name + Ctrl + EnterAdd www. and .com to a site name, and open it in the current tab
Type a search term + Alt + EnterOpen a new tab and perform a Google search
Ctrl + LJump to the address bar
Ctrl + kSearch from anywhere on the page

Webpage Shortcuts:

Shortcut KeyDescription
Ctrl + pOpen options to print the current page
Ctrl + sOpen options to save the current page
Ctrl + rReload the current page
EscStop the page loading
TabBrowse clickable items moving forward
Shift + TabBrowse clickable items moving backwards
Ctrl + oOpen a file from your computer in Chrome
Ctrl + uDisplay non-editable HTML source code for the current page in a new tab
Ctrl + dSave your current webpage as a bookmark
Ctrl + Shift + dSave all open tabs as bookmarks in a new folder
fn + f11Turn full-screen mode on or off
Ctrl and +Zoom in on the page
Ctrl and –Zoom out off the page
Ctrl + 0Return everything on the page to the default size
Pg Dn or SpaceScroll down a webpage, a screen at a time
Pg Up or Shift + SpaceScroll up a webpage, a screen at a time
HomeGo to the top of the page
EndGo to the bottom of the page
Shift + Scroll your mouse wheelScroll horizontally on the page
Ctrl + Left arrowMove your cursor to the beginning of the previous word in a text field
Ctrl + Right arrowMove your cursor to the next word
Ctrl + BackspaceDelete the previous word in a text field
Alt + HomeOpen the Home page in the current tab

Mouse Shortcuts:

Drag a link to a tabopen a link in a current tab
Ctrl + Click a linkOpen a link in a new background tab
Ctrl + Shift + Click a link or Drag a link to a blank area of the tab stripOpen a link, and jump to it
Shift + Click a linkOpen a link in a new window
Drag the tab out of the tab stripOpen a tab in a new window
Drag the tab into an existing windowMove a tab to a current window
Press Esc while draggingReturn a tab to its original position

Drag the web address to the Bookmarks Bar
Save the current webpage as a bookmark

Shift + 
Scroll your mouse wheel
Scroll horizontally on the page
Alt + Click a linkDownload the target of a link
Double-click a blank area of the tab stripSwitch between maximized and windowed modes
Ctrl + Scroll your mouse wheel upZoom in on the page
Ctrl + Scroll your mouse wheel downZoom out off the page

So, those are the list of Google Chrome Shortcuts available in Chrome Browser. Hope you find this tutorial helpful. if you have any suggestions you can suggest us at vinron.in/suggestions. For more best simulation games you can click the links below.

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