Uber and WhatsApp have announced a partnership in India that will allow people to book an Uber ride using Uber’s official WhatsApp chatbot. The service is being launched in the northern city of Lucknow first, with plans to expand to other Indian cities in the near future.
As of right now, booking a ride through WhatsApp will only be available in the English language, but it will be expanded to include other Indian languages in the near future. Additionally, the service is available to both new and existing Uber users who have only provided their phone numbers when registering for the service.
In this Guide, We are going to look at How to book an Uber ride via WhatsApp in India. Follow the Guide to get started.
How to book an Uber ride via WhatsApp in India
- Send ‘Hi’ on WhatApp to +91 7292000002/Click to WhatsApp : Here (Mobile phone only)/ Scan the following QR code from the above
- Send a message saying “Hi” to receive an OTP.
- Provide pickup and drop off locations.
- Find out how much it will cost to drive a car or an auto
- Confirm to obtain the driver’s expected arrival time, information about the driver’s name and licence plate, and the diver’s location tracking while en route to the pickup point, as well as the option to communicate with the driver anonymously through the use of a masked number, are also available.
- You will be given the option to choose from various types of rides, such as Uber Go, Auto, Moto, and so on, as well as fare information and the driver’s estimated arrival time on the app.
Safety Guidelines
- During the WhatsApp conversation flow, the rider is informed about safety guidelines, such as how to contact Uber in an emergency (type help on-trip).
- The customer will receive an inbound call from Uber’s customer support team if they choose the “emergency” option while on the trip while in transit.
- Riders can also use the safety line numbers to contact the Uber team if they are in need of assistance until 30 minutes after the trip has ended.
This is how you can book an Uber ride via WhatsApp in India. Hope you find this tutorial helpful. If you have any suggestions you can suggest us at vinron.in/suggestions. For more helpful Guides you can click the links below.