How to choose the best Air cooler for your home (Updated!)

Air coolers are the greatest summertime alternative to air conditioners for cooling your home. They are far less expensive and require less electricity than air conditioners. While they may not provide the same level of cooling as air conditioners, they can be effective for combating minor amounts of heat throughout the Summer.

In this tutorial, we’ll discuss how to select the best air cooler for your home. Follow this simple guide to know more about Air coolers.

How to choose best Air cooler for you home

1. Type of Air coolers

Image showing Types of Air coolers. 1. Regular cooler 2. Tower cooler 3. Window Cooler.

There are primarily four types of air coolers: desert air coolers, personal air coolers, and portable air coolers. They are both utilized in a variety of climates; tower air coolers are compact and slender, making them ideal for smaller spaces such as shops; while window air coolers are designed to be installed in windows. They can also be positioned on the stand.

The following is a comprehensive comparison of desert and personal air coolers. To simplify, desert air coolers are large and are typically used in large rooms or outdoors, whereas personal air coolers are small and can be used in a standard bedroom.

2. Room Size

Due to the fact that each air cooler is designed to chill a specific area, it is vital to choose one that is sized appropriately for the room in which it will be put. A tiny cooler in a large space may not provide appropriate cooling, whereas a large cooler in a small space may generate an excessive amount of humidity. The following is a straightforward formula for calculating.

Prior to that, you should be familiar with CFM (cubic feet per minute), Cubic feet per minute (CFM) is the unit of measurement for an air cooler’s airflow, which refers to the volume of air that the fan can blow each minute. Airflow in cubic feet per minute = room size in square feet * ceiling height / 2.

3. Tank capacity

Choose a cooler with the appropriate tank capacity for the size of your space. The greater the capacity of the tank, the longer the cooler will operate.

4. Type of Cooling Pads

The sort of cooling pads used is critical in maintaining the temperature in your room for an extended period of time. At the moment, honeycomb cooling pads are gaining popularity due to their effectiveness in providing long-lasting cooling.

Other Features

Here are some other features you might consider to increase the portability of the air cooler. This includes air filters, an ice chamber, and more.

  • Dust filter: A dust filter in an air cooler filters the dust and debris from the air pulled.
  • Ice chamber: Some coolers also come with dedicated ice chmabers where you can fill it with ice for better cooling
  • Inverter compatibility: If you face frequent powercuts, choose cooler that can also run on inverter current.
  • Convenience of control: Latest coolers also support bluetooth and wifi connections.

So, Those are the important things you should keep note of before buying an air cooler for your need. To simplify things we selected the best air coolers for you. You can click on this link directly or visit our best-buy store to research, compare and buy the right air cooler for you.

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