India’s Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology issues a press release of banning a total of 59 Chinese apps in India. In view of the information available, they’re engaged in activities which are prejudicial to sovereignty and integrity of India, defense of India, the security of the state and public order.”
Under section 69A of the Information Technology Act (Procedure and Safeguards for Blocking of Access of Information by Public Rules 2009 to block the apps, the Ministry of Information Technology bans 59 Chinese apps in India.
Here is the list of Chinese apps banned by the Indian Government
- TikTokShareit
- Kwai
- UC Browser
- Baidu map
- Shein
- Clash of Kings
- DU battery saver
- Helo
- Likee
- YouCam makeup
- Mi Community
- CM Browers
- Virus Cleaner
- APUS Browser
- Club Factory
- Newsdog
- Beutry Plus
- UC News
- QQ Mail
- Xender
- QQ Music
- QQ Newsfeed
- Bigo Live
- SelfieCity
- Mail Master
- Parallel Space
- Mi Video Call — Xiaomi
- WeSync
- ES File Explorer
- Viva Video — QU Video Inc
- Meitu
- Vigo Video
- New Video Status
- DU Recorder
- Vault- Hide
- Cache Cleaner DU App studio
- DU Cleaner
- DU Browser
- Hago Play With New Friends
- Cam Scanner
- Clean Master — Cheetah Mobile
- Wonder Camera
- Photo Wonder
- QQ Player
- We Meet
- Sweet Selfie
- Baidu Translate
- Vmate
- QQ International
- QQ Security Center
- QQ Launcher
- U Video
- V fly Status Video
- Mobile Legends
- DU Privacy
The reason for banning Chinese apps in India
Over the past few months, India is facing border issues with China, To counter china and protect the privacy of Indian users, the Government has decided to ban 59 Chinese apps in India. However, this isn’t the first time to ban china apps. Last year, TikTok was removed on concerns with inappropriate content. At the time both Google and Apple Inc. had removed it from their app stores after a court order.
India’s approach to ban Chinese apps
The government of India officially bans these 59 apps in India, which means app stores like Google Play Store and Apple app store were not allowed to display these apps on their app Library. Google said it had yet to receive the order from New Delhi. Apple said it was reviewing the order. Users in India through their original IP address will not able to access these apps in India. For pre-installed apps Government of India might follow the route of banning apps through a national-level firewall like in China and Russia.
How India and China will be affected
“One in three smartphone users in India will be impacted by this ban,” Tarun Pathak, associate director with Counterpoint Technology, said. People who directly or indirectly depend upon these apps will be hugely impacted, for the most part, TikTok, which has more than 200 million monthly active users in India.
This ban will also hugely impact china apps, India is the biggest market for these apps and might lose millions of user base.
Will users in India still able to use these Chinese apps
However, despite ban users in India were still able to use these apps in India. But you should keep in mind either Google, or apple, or Indian government will not be responsible for any security issues while you are using banned apps.
How long this ban continues in India
There is no exact timeline of banning these apps in India. They might come back or never. It completely depends upon Indo-China relations. However, every banned app has an alternative app available to use in India.
update: Tiktok removed from Google play store and all other apps available.