According to the report by Techcrunch, the Competition Commission of India (CCI) said it would review claims of whether the Android maker prominently promotes Google Pay during the setup of an Android smartphone. A report by Bernstein, in the month of May 2020, Google Pay led the payments market in India, followed by PhonePe, Amazon Pay, Paytm, and then Whatsapp Pay.
- NPCI Announces 30 Percent Cap for Third-Party UPI Apps from Jan-2021 ( INCLUDING GOOGLE PAY )
The Full report
- India’s antitrust watchdog has opened an investigation into Google for allegedly abusing the dominant position of its app store to promote its payments service in the world’s second-largest internet market.
- In its Monday announcement (PDF) about opening an antitrust case against Google, the Indian watchdog Competition Commission of India (CCI) said it would review claims of whether the Android maker prominently promotes Google Pay during the setup of Android smartphones. and if Play Store’s billing system is designed “to the disadvantage of both i.e. apps facilitating payment through UPI, as well as users.”
- The informant also alleged that Google announces Google T.V, helps you easily browse and discover what to watch
- Google chrome cast with Google T.V announced
- Google “unfairly” skews the search results on the Play Store in favor of the Google Pay app over others — though CCI is not investigating this claim citing not enough evidence to support them.
- “The informant pointed out similarities between the conducts of Apple in Europe and Google in India i.e. like Apple (as set out in the Press Release of EC), as a mandatory requirement for listing on the Play Store, Google requires the app developers to exclusively use Google Play Store’s payment system and Google Play In-App Billing for charging users who purchase apps on the Play Store or buy goods/services from inside an app (i.e. IAP), and further like Apple, Google charges app developers a 30% commission for allowing them to use the Play Store’s payment system and Google Play In-App Billing,” the Indian watchdog said, which has directed its director-general to complete the investigation within 60 days.
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