September 9: The First Computer “Bug”

On September 9, 1945, Operators of the Harvard Mark II find a moth trapped in relay #70 in panel F. The bug is taped to their troubleshooting log where it was written, “First actual case of bug being found”. This was not the first use of the term “bug” for computer problems, but this was the first time the term “debug” was used.

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September 28: Think Different

On September 28, 1997, Apple's "Think Different" commercial campaign debuts just two weeks after Steve Jobs was named temporary CEO. The campaign, which was designed to reintroduce the Apple brand, was widely lauded by the press, the general public, and the advertising industry. It won several prizes along the way. In retrospect, Think Different marked the beginning of Apple's transformation from near-collapse in the 1990s to the world's most valuable firm.
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